Multimedia: sound compositions & videos

Red deer rutting, recorded during a field recording workshop with Chris Watson and CampFr, Aulus-les-Bains, Pyrenees, October 2024.

5’16’’ 48 kHz/32, 2024

Bolton. Soundscape & images of the town of Bolton in the northwest of England. Produced for Worktown Observation Centre, Bolton.

Single channel HD video, 16:9, colour, 04'16", 2014


Braga. Sound composition of the city of Braga in the north of Portugal, combining field recording sound and photography. A personal re-visit to a place of happy memories, cast in shadow by absence of friends and the country's economic downturn. Single channel HD video, 16:9, colour, 04'30", 2015


Lee Abbey Beach, North Devon. Recording for the British Library project with the National Trust, "Sounds of our shores". 2' 54", 2015

London Commute

During the Coronavirus lockdown, I found myself browsing through the many sounds I had recorded in the recent years of train journeys from Cambridge to London. They provided, in a strange way, an escape into urban life, now suspended, as we suspend our own lives. I wanted to publish these sounds not as sounds to listen to but rather as background noise for the people who may have lived with it on a daily basis, or for others who wish to discover it. This is a journey from Cambridge Station in the UK, terminating in Mortlake, West London, via Liverpool Street Station, London Underground and Waterloo Station. Recorded 2016, released 2020

fear of water

Track made for World Listening Day on the theme of Water. Using space sounds from NASA and water molecules manipulated by laser beam from Kelvin Building, Glasgow University, combined with own sounds and music. Broadcast on Centro de Cultura Digital radio station, Mexico City and featured in Cities and Memory, UK. 2'59", 2015.

Buy the audio from the Bandcamp page.

Cambridge bicycles, field recording composition using sounds of bicycles, captured near the back of King's College, Cambridge. Produced for World Listening Day, a compilation by Sonic Terrain.

3'52", Wav, 48kHz/24bit, 2014

second skin

A visual study on memory, alienation and innocence, using video to explore identity and roots, as the links with the past disappear. There is no narrative and the film is charged with visual content, allowing the viewers to be taken through the different stages of a personal journey into the past, present and future, resulting in a possible metaphor for the journey of life itself. The film is divided into five different chapters, showing the progression of a personal journey: the arrival, visiting the birthplace, now a derelict space, observing life as it happens outside of personal involvement, following the toddler son as he discovers the world, and finally with a dramatic visual conclusion summing up the noise and entanglement of life and memories. Although referencing personal issues with a great level of intimacy, this film does not offer specific information about dates, places or people involved, allowing anyone to relate to it in many levels. “second skin” is Juno Doran’s film début, made primarily as an introduction to the medium of film as well as a work of personal reconciliation with the erasing of roots with her birthplace, following the death of her grandmother. It was made with minimal video equipment and under very difficult conditions. The film is also her début in editing and sound design. Please contact to purchase a copy for personal use.

HD Video. 16:9. Colour. Stereo. 17 minutes. 2011




The Beautiful People & Black Paintings. 1998-2004