The bells of Notre Dame, Paris
I heard about the massive fire in the Notre Dame, Paris, and I remembered I had recorded to sound of its bells in 2015.
Heard not seen
Heard not seen. Sound composition about a playground.
In Victorian times they used to say that children should be seen and not heard. These days the fear and politics of photographing children have changed in such a way that it's considered suspicious to photograph them, yet capturing the sound they make is another matter. Heard not seen marks the presence of children and the spaces they play in without actually seeing them.
Recorded with binaural audio, best experienced with headphones. 3'38", single channel HD video, 2016.
Dawn chorus
Earlier this week I was out before dawn to capture the sounds of the dawn chorus at Potton Wood and in Wolfson College, Cambridge. The dawn chorus of birds peaks around this time of the year and the birds start singing as early as 3:30 am to reach an amazing intensity of sound later in the morning around sunrise. I have come to this as a novice and it’s my first dawn chorus recording and even witnessing. With the sounds captured I created compositions to recreate the three dimensionality of space recorded with 2 different microphones and a portable recorder. The sounds of aeroplanes and cars are purposely left to remind us of the nature of the planet we live in, that no matter how far away we get from the sounds of civilisation, they are always there, encircling nature and causing significant changes in its manifestation.
Paisages Sonoros
Contributed to this soundscapes’ broadcast in Moravia in Medellin, Colombia, with my Bolton sound work. Broadcast 27 February 2015 in
Pilling Sands, Lancashire
A very satisfying experience to walk on an ice puddle feeling the cracking of the ice layer under my feet and the strange noises it produces.
An afternoon at Pilling Sands, taking pictures and recording sound. I couldn’t get away from the traffic and plane noises which was frustrating. Also, I was having trouble with the recorder, getting high frequency noises. In the evening I had a chat with the house engineers and we concluded that the Zoom H4n can’t work very well if it only has one XLR cable plugged into it. I resolved this by having another XLR cable plugged into the 2nd input, though it wasn’t plugged to anything, but it made the noises disappear.